@"On the morning after the rain, the red and white plums in the morning sun shined brightly, bloomed beautifully, and I could feel the warm spring. Mejiro:White eyes are comings to eat the nectar of the flowers and whispered from time to time. I was very healed by such a lively morning scene.
♡研ぎすまされた寂寥・寂寞の寂びや侘びなどの美をそこに盛ることで、日本の文化的な風情を感じるような叙情的な表現に至りたいと思う次第です。 @:By adding beauty such as sharpened loneliness and forlornness and wabi-sabi to it, I would like to create a lyrical expression that feels the cultural atmosphere of Japan.
【Wabi & Sabi is one of the aesthetic senses of Japan. It is a consciousness to find the satisfaction of the mind in the poor and shortage, and it is the beauty that you can naturally feel the deep and rich things in the quiet.
In the field of aesthetics, it is sometimes broadly divided into a concept that is used in a narrow sense to define "aesthetic character" and a concept that is used in a broad sense to define an "ideal concept". The keynote is negative, simple and quiet.
Originally, wabi and sabi have different meanings, but in modern times they are often talked about together. It is said to be a central idea of Japanese culture, which is close to the concept of enlightenment, and is a aesthetic sense that makes people feel that the world is ephemeral and immutable.】
♡ In this way, I would like to use the word "wasabi" to express a self-righteous "wasabi" that is a piece of Japanese culture that I felt in my own way.
*I would like to establish the concept of "wasabi" here. Therefore, I want to see beautiful things and feel wabi-sabi.】
岡倉天心公の『Book of the Tea』などをかじりつきながら読み直して、俺流・我流の"Kazyan's Perhaps English”での表現なのデス⁈
And more, much more than this,I did it my way...♬
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
Yes, it was my beautiful way🎶
I think, therefore, I am Kazyan.
♡Have a good Thursday night with your sweet happy flowers dreams💐😴🐏🐑
白梅:white plum
@"On the morning after the rain, the red and white plums in the morning sun shined brightly, bloomed beautifully, and I could feel the warm spring.
Mejiro:White eyes are comings to eat the nectar of the flowers and whispered from time to time.
I was very healed by such a lively morning scene.
コロナの渦中ではありますが、狷介孤高な輩の小生は病症を抱えながらも、このような趣味三昧の生活で、じっとしてはおれない狷介不屈な性格で、ある意味では(器用)貧乏な日々を楽しんで逝く道を足を引きずって、生きざまを晒していますが、これらは全て【My way♫】を歌いながらということのようデス⁉︎
♪And more, much more than this, I did it my way.…
Yes, it was my way🎶
@"In the midst of the corona, we welcomed an old friend who often escaped from self-restraint and was delighted with the red and white plum blossoms."
玄関に入るや否や、この花飾りの竹製の花器や梅の花の香りを褒めてくれましたょ( ◠‿◠ )
My true intention is not to be dexterous, but to have a delicate spirit and a big strong heart.❤️
I think, therefore, I am Kazyan with my small delicately heart💞
Have a good Wednesday and enjoy for your happy interesting flowers life with your GS postings 🌺🌸💐
from Miyazaki with my lovely beautiful red and white plums flowers🌹
Carpe Diem❣️
by Kazyan's Green Shot
2021 Jan 28/past am 07:10':upload