@"When I went out to the courtyard and watched the flowers of Daphne *odora blooming, I could feel a faint scent." (*odora:odorare:scent:smell) 大意:起き抜けに中庭に出て沈丁花の開花している様子を見ていたら、微かな香りを感じることができました。
『朝早く艶美に香る沈丁花 いと*麗しき香水の庭』
@"A glossary scented Daphne flower in the early morning, It's a very beautiful perfume garden."
『朝早く艶美に香る沈丁花 いと*嬉しかな香水の庭』
@"At the beginning of the morning when I just woke up, Daphne began to bloom in the courtyard of Manyo, I am very happy to have a faintly glossy beautiful scent. 大意:朝起きがけ一番に、万葉の中庭の沈丁花が開きはじめていました。 ほのかに艶美な香りがしてとても嬉しいです。
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazuan//筍歌人 藪中和堂 Artistic:Daphne ofora blooming Feb 19,2022:past am 05:00’:📱shooting Feb 19,2022:past am 05:15’:upload by Kazyan’s Green Shot
♧ウスイロジンチョウゲ:薄色沈丁花:Daphne odora
♧お多福南天:Nandina domestica cv.Otafukunanten:学名(英名無し)
♧ネコヤナギ:猫柳:pussy willow
@"When I went out to the courtyard and watched the flowers of Daphne *odora blooming,
I could feel a faint scent."
@"A glossary scented Daphne flower in the early morning,
It's a very beautiful perfume garden."
@"At the beginning of the morning when I just woke up, Daphne began to bloom in the courtyard of Manyo,
I am very happy to have a faintly glossy beautiful scent.
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazuan//筍歌人 藪中和堂
Artistic:Daphne ofora blooming
Feb 19,2022:past am 05:00’:📱shooting
Feb 19,2022:past am 05:15’:upload
by Kazyan’s Green Shot