






Yumiko (California U.S.A)さんのLovely color,My Elegant ladyの投稿画像

Dahlia pinnata/Dahlia. Asteraceae. Asterales. Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta
Common name/Garden dahlia
Originated/Mexico in 18th century
Means/“valley flower”
*Dahlia directly translates to “valley”.
Simbolism/Beauty. Commitment. Kindness
*Natural flower of Mexico because the plant was first recorded in the country in 1615.
*The name “Dahlia” came from Swedish botanist, Dr. Anders Dahl.
Photo 7/11 9:17am 2023

可愛らしい綺麗なダリアさんの素敵な写真ですね❗ 良い雰囲気感じま~す❗

元気なダリアさん 綺麗です🤗

Thank you. This flower came from my friend’s garden. As usual,she called me, “It’s blooming(ima-saiteiruyo)”☝️
One call for my day! Thanks for my friendship.
I see your photos everyday. Good!
Let’s have a nice day together. 😊😊
Thank you. This flower came from my friend’s garden. Happy
I see your photo everyday. Nice one!
We will have a good time together!
Nice day. 👍
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん

はーい🙋 (^-^ゞ

m(_ _)m
Yumiko さん

how was the weather today Many good! Thank you Yumiko The weather suddenly changed due to sudden heavy rain and strong winds! was. do you like summer I love summer even though it's hot! It would be nice if we could be friends with a smile of a flower forever! Thank you Yumiko. Dante
Thank you for a message. I see your photos. Nice ones!
We show our photos each other and have a nice time together.
Have a great day! with smile 😊
Thank you. This flower came from my friend’s garden. She takes care of flowers a lot.
I am happy to see this flower! “arigatou. kireine”! I wish I could talked to her, she might have said “Thank you. I will keep going!”
Everyday is coming. Let’s go 👊
Thank you. Let’s go for today!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん

Thank you for a message. This flower is blooming at my friend’s garden.
I am happy to see her!
Have a great day. with smile 😊
Thank you for a message.
You sounds different today!
Anyway…I walk my senior residence everyday. Everyone has a nice garden (me,too)and show their flowers to the friends. That’s why I can see lots of flowers a year and year.
We will have a nice time together on GS. Have a great day! with smile 😊
Thank you. I visited my friends house to see her. She was shining ~
We will show our photos each other and have a nice time together. Good day! with smile 😊
@ダンテ- Dante Alighieri
Awesome! Thank you for a message.
You know…it’s hot here but no humidity. That’s why it will cause the wild fire. We are now very careful about that. It’s sunny everyday till October. They say “the blue sky in California”.
Let’s have a nice time together on GS! with smile 😊
Dear Yumiko, Thanks for the reply comment! I'm glad. Yumiko's smiling flower photography work gently soothes the tired heart. Please take good care of your body and do not overdo it. I see Yumiko jogging under the blue sky in California Let's talk with good friends forever. Flowers of happiness to Yumiko! Dante
Good day together! 😊
@ダンテ- Dante Alighieri
Thank you for a message.
Yes. You cheered me up(arigatou desu)🐶. I will cheer you up,too!
We will have a nice time together on GS. Showing our photos and talk stories together!
Just talk to me anytime, I will have a talk with you.
Have a great day! with smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、花は優しいね。花が咲く環境って本当に素晴らしい。今さらながら思います。
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん💖


Thank you for a message.
We will have a nice time together on GS. Have a great day! with smile 😊
I feel so,too.
By the way, I visited to the senior facility which I am interested in.
…?? You know … still they are very senior(how can I describe). They treat me like their daughter…something like that. I had a nice time with a estate sales lady for a while. 🤞
I felt it’s to soon to move there.
I may change my idea from now~
‘Life, we have only one time,I hope I will have a nice life from now~’
My roses in my garden say “🙇🏻‍♀️ pls be with us!”. 😄
Have a good weekend!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、私の個人的な意見を述べますので、ごめんなさい。


I have got your meaning well.
That’s right. Probably it’s too early to get there. She(sales person) said “average of this place is 82.5 years old”. I was surprised with that. That’s you gave me a point! Thank you.
I will go back to think about my way.
How is your day? It the weekday~
👍 3 Takes. always see you.
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、ありがとうございます☺️🎶仕事もわりと頑張って、良い一週間‼️
Sounds good! 🤞
I saw your posted photos with your comment. Lovely
Your tow son’s birthday is one day difference! (sugoidesu)ne 😁
I am looking forward to seeing your daily photos. 👏
Have a nice weekend!
My stomachache is now…fine.
I swam for one hour and walk a little
bit. I will go for tomorrow 👍
Nice to talk to you today.
See you tomorrow! with our smiles 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、胃痛が良くなって良かったですね😉👍
Thank you. I will have a Doc. Appointment later. Just they use the camera to see my stomach. 👍
Not now. Two months later. fine
I saw your photos with your messages. Awesome !
You go out to get your beers & Shochu. How nice! Life is good. LG
Nice to talk to you. See you tomorrow.
Have a great day! 😊😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、人生、ビールと焼酎に勝るもの無し‼️😂🤣🤣
👍 me too! When I stay in Japan, I will go back to my normal cocktail = Beer & Shyouchu. ☝️#1 Last time I wrote wrong spelling. “SATO-KURO”! That’s my favorite Shyouchu. My place to go, they have it. Beer…’Asahi Super Dry’,too.
…backing to 1980s~ I played golf(Tokyo Golf Club)…still I remember ~. When we were at #19(finished golf and have a cocktail)…the manager came up and said “we have just have got a nice beer from ASAHI”. We tasted one! It was great! (Korewa ikeruna~), my great friends told about this beer. 💫 how long a go~ 1987~I still love this beer the best😋
…long talk… lovely story about cocktail See U later😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、薩摩焼酎の「佐藤の黒」って評価高いみたいですね。僕は残念ながら飲んだこと無いです😅💦
It came from Satsuma. Impressed
The first Shyouchu was(for me)…I do not remember ~. “Takara”? They started with “Lemon-hai” Ms.Matsuda Seiko came up to the commercial.
🤫 I had cocktails for the first time,
I was 16 years old.🤫 Only the time when I went to tennis club staying and ski staying time(my mother did not know anything)👍 Enjoyable
…lovely since that time…
Lots of nice experiences! You,too~ 😊
Have a nice Saturday with your family.
See U later.
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、宝焼酎‼️安くて癖もなくて飲みやすいですよね‼️16才、イケナイ少女だね😅
“huhu~”🎶 I was with my first person (hatstukoi no hito) and had a cocktail(a little). He was a college student(M. University/Law)
…in those days(high school period)I was with him all the time. Everyday ~
Sorry I talked too much 😅
How is your day? Not so hard, yeah?!
I have got nice news about your working situation from now. Happy
👊let’s go for today&tomorrow! 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、ラブラブ💓💏💓の話も良いねえ😁🎶🎶
For real ~. Visiting the banks to your task for your company. It should be important one.
Well that’s your status. I am proud of you.
Keep going. You know…some people are very good at doing with computer thing~, however they do not know how to do another side~ you know what I mean. Age=experience=talent
(huhu ~)I feel I am getting older😅
Let’s go for today and tomorrow! 😊
Nice to talk to you. See U tomorrow!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、パソコン触ってるだけで仕事してるように見えちゃうから、僕も近頃はそれで時間潰すことも多かったです😓💦
That’s right. Doing only desk work for 8 hours…it’s hard~well lots of people do and have their income.
It depends on how much we like or we will be ok to work for ~.
When I used to be a translator & interpreter,I was more eager to go for interpreter than translator. Because active/to see people and communicate.
Instead of sitting at my study for 5~6 hours(max for me) to do my task.
However…income…it was important for me in those days(1990s). I have done well completely.
You also ~. No worries. just the way what you are. 👍
Ok~ I will lay down now~slight stomachache now. ‘ll talk to you later.
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、僕は昔はダイエーで子供服を売ってて(バイトでレジスター係りや魚売り場もやったよ)、その時はほぼ一日中立ち仕事だったけど、お客さんや別の職員との会話、楽しかったです。
I do understand your feelings.
You are an elite salaryman.
I am proud of you. Age…(toshi niwa katenai) monodesu. I really felt this recently.
I woke up in the morning, I wanted to look for a had bag to have this morning to go out. I just step on the chair and tried to find one. Suddenly I was fell down from the chair….🥴. I hit my right elbow badly. Something like this!
Still I went to the club to swim for one hour. And walked for 15 minutes ☺️(lucky to see her).
Now I am relaxing…no garden today.
It’s 39°C outside.
Nice talking to you today.
I hope you have a good day!
See U tomorrow. 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、えっ!39℃ですって😱💦💦昔、ハリウッド近くで山火事、I'll be backのターミネーター州知事も大変だったけど、同じような状況、カナダの火災もあったし、まさに地球沸騰化😭💦💦
Yes. One is hot the other day is cool~.
Right now…it’s 27°C outside. See~ much different! Comfortable day
I will work in the garden! They are now…waiting for me.☺️
When I do garden work, I wear bathing suit(thin long sleeve shirt).
Sweat 💦. after finish at the garden,
my favorite champagne 🍾 is waiting for me!
How is your day? Comfortable!?
Make a day off plan ~👍
I will see you later. 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、おおっ!お庭作業の後はシャワーじゃなくて、シャンパンですか😂🤣👍👍
That’s right. I missed to tell you. Yes.
After taking shower, I will have a cold champagne 🍾
Thinking of my meals for the night.
I like cooking so much.
Yesterday I made Japanese ‘nimono’.
Bamboo, carrots and (hasu) with Japanese style(soy sauce. Mirin.Dashi. Sugar/water). 😋
I am in the different country, however I eat Japanese good comfortably. You know…because I am a good cook! 😀
How is your day? Weekend ~
Nice day together!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、福岡ではそれを「がめ煮」って呼びます。お盆や正月の里帰りには必ずや食べてましたよ。
You know…sometimes my device doesn’t work well~😅 sorry~
Line trouble,I guess.
For real…’game-ni’…sounds nice. In the old days…(yose nabe/yasai), I feel.
😋my favorite! I make them all the time. I have no recipe. All taste comes from my mother.
You are lucky. You have a great wife who is good at cooking. 👍
Our energy comes from our food(+cocktails for us😉).
We will have a nice day with a good food/healthy. See U
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、デバイス悪いんですね😅無理してコメントしなくても良いですよ。
Well, too much line at the same time.
It should ok.
💕see…your wife is the great cook!
I thought so~! Happy
You know…our health comes from our good ones what to eat…
Maybe you are good cook,too. However 👏you applause to your wife!
Let’s have a good day together.
Nice to talk to you today.
See you tomorrow! always smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、ええ。女房は栄養バランスまで気遣ってくれるから、凄いです。
💕sounds great!
You know…as your wife is so smart and you can have a nice day healthy.
Say “ Thank you my lovely wife!” to her!👏 She loves you~ !
I see your daily photos. Enjoyable
I hope you have a nice day after Golden Week.
See you tomorrow! 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、ご飯とかおかず並べて貰うときに、いちいち「ありがとう」とは言ってますよ。
😁I know…that’s the Japanese culture!
“I love you~” like (okyou)☺️…that’s U.S.A. I love you ~ I love you~ !!
Every country has its own culture.
You are lucky to be with a smart wife. 💕 How is your weekend?
I hope you have a good day! See U 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、国によって愛情表現も違いますね😅💦
Good! Me,too~ after I worked in the garden, take a cold shower ~ Be fresh
…and cold cocktail is waiting for me!
😄 let’s go for a nice day!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、やっぱり水風呂だねー‼️スッキリ‼️ビールも美味しかった🎶
That’s right! Sweat and cold shower 🚿 and cold beer! Awesome
Let’s go for today and tomorrow!




I love swimming and walking.
